What is Chiropractic?

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Chiropractic is an art form that removes pain and discomfort and dis-ease (disease) by providing a pathway that will allow the body to heal itself by restoring spinal function, restoring a properly functioning nervous system coupled with rest and nutrition, as long as no irreparable damage has occurred.

The nervous system is comprised of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It controls ALL functions of the body, including healing, pain removal, blood flow and hormone production.


The spine.

The spine protects and supports the spinal cord. Nerves pass through the spine from the spinal cord to muscles, glands, organs, bones and the skin.

The spine has 24 moveable bones called vertebra. These attach many muscles and ligaments. Between the vertebrae are discs which absorb shock and allow movement. 12 pairs of ribs attach to the thoracic vertebra. 31 pairs of nerves pass through the spine.

Because of the spine’s complexity, normal vertebral movements are easily disrupted. Falls, incorrect lifting, repetitive actions, poor posture and even illness can cause disruption to the normal mechanics of the spine. This can then result in irritation to the exiting nerves. Chiropractors call this subluxation.

Subluxations are comprised of poor joint function, nerve irritation, muscle spasm or weakness (either at the site or along the course of the nerve) and altered blood flow in the immediate area. They are not always painful and not always noticed by the patient.

Chiropractors manipulate the spine to restore normal joint movement, normal nerve function, normal muscle activity and normal blood flow. This allows the body to heal itself. This is the subluxation removed.

Before the first manipulation of the spine a thorough examination must be performed. This includes a medical history, postural assessment and physical examination. Sometimes xrays are taken to assess the condition of the spine and rule out possible underlying disease which may affect the treatment.

Prevention is best.

Once function has been restored to the spine it is ideal to maintain this. This will slow down the rate of wear and tear of the spine thus slowing the effect of osteoarthritis. Regular check-ups is how this is achieved and it is tailored to suit the individual patient.

Our philosophy is that optimal health is maintained by keeping the nervous system functioning at 100% and free from any interference. When the body is in sync and working at full power and we have good nutrition, rest and exercise, optimum health is achieved!

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