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Itself, with all the squeezing and twisting can cause subluxations. Let us explain subluxation.

Subluxations occur when there is poor movement in your spine. Poor movement will cause pain, inflammation, immobility and swelling. This will affect muscle activity and nerve function.

The result: impairment of health!

Causes of Subluxations

  1. Physically induced subluxations.
  2. Chemically induced subluxations.
  3. Emotionally induced subluxations.


Physically – induced subluxations

Obviously, the jolt from a car accident could upset the delicate balance of normal movement in your spine. This initiates a chain of events which results in altered nerve function and further impairment of health. However, you do not need such major physical trauma to cause subluxations. Most subluxations are caused by the accumulation of many minor injuries – “microtrauma”. Something as innocent as improperly lifting a child or bag of groceries. Prolonged straining such as bending over gardening. The birth process Even poor posture can be a factor.


Chemically – induced subluxations.

Substances such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, food preservatives and additives add considerable stress to the body. For example, world authorities tell us that the average person consumes approximately four kilograms of food additives a year. The serious affects of these on the body’s carefully balanced chemistry are becoming better understood. And anything which affects body chemistry could also affect the muscles which keep the spine in balance, thereby causing subluxations.


Emotionally induced subluxations

Emotional stress can affect more than just your emotions or mental attitude. The death of a loved one, separation from a spouse or any other emotionally charged trauma often will occur where it never did before. This is often the sign of an emotionally – induced subluxation.


Hereditary subluxation?

Not really, but you can inherit a predisposition to the development of subluxations. Due to its complexity, the spinal structure is particularly susceptible to genetic and developmental problems. A genetically weakened structure is more readily affected by physical, emotional and chemical trauma. Subluxations are more likely to occur in these individuals.


Combined causes

Physical, chemical and emotional factors can cause subluxations independently. But a combination of factors is more likely to result in subluxation than any one factor by itself. For example: If you are in a state of emotional difficulty and your body’s chemical balance has been altered by drugs or food additives, then the very slightest physical trauma could cause subluxation. In fact, there are thousands of combinations which occur throughout life that cause subluxations which could cause degenerate into serious health problems.

That’s why it’s so important for you, your family and friends to see a chiropractor regulary.

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