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Improve your overall health and resistance with chiropractic.

Go to a chiropractor for the common cold? But chiropractic is just for backs! Not so. In fact, many people seeing chiropractors for spinal pain find a general improvement in their health that includes fewer and less severe colds, flu and other respiratory problems.

The Common Cold

The common cold (acute coryza 45 ) is associated with viri that affect the nose, throat, larynx (voice box ) and sinuses. That means stuffed and runny nose, scratchy throat, watery eyes, stuffed sinuses and congestion but no fever.

Breathing cold viruses does not in itself cause a cold. “experimenters have incubated cold viruses, placed them directly on the mucous lining of the nose, and found that their subjects came down with colds only 12 percent of the time. “ For germs to grow in you, you must first be fertile soil.

Drugs For A Cold?

“Alkalinizers, multiple analgesics, antihistamines, decongestants and tranquilizers are developed for sales profit… not for the benefit of the patient. Taking antibiotics for cold viruses is completely worthless because antibiotics work only on bacteria.

The Chiropractic Approach

Chiropractic care can help raise your natural resistance to disease by removing a serious interference to your proper body function: vertebral subluxations. Natural resistance is the only reason why your cold “goes away “rather than lasting for weeks, months or your entire lifetime!

Case Studies

There are numerous case histories of chronic cold and flu sufferers having less or no colds after chiropractic care. For example, when spinal motion was restricted, people tended to have more ear infections, bronchitis and/ or pneumonia. However, if motion could be maintained or re-established, patients recovered without complications. In another study, 92% of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease had improvement of their respiratory symptoms after spinal care.

Benefits of Cold and Flu

Hippocrates, the “father” of medicine wrote: “Diseases are crises of purification, of toxic elimination. Symptoms are the natural defences of the body. We call them diseases, but in fact they are the cure of diseases.” For example, an elevated temperature is one of our body’s defence mechanisms, helping us destroy infection. Lowering a fever reduces this defence against disease. Acute infectious diseases serve a purpose. In one study, researchers found that a history of common colds or influenza was associated with a decreased cancer risk of the stomach, colon, rectum, breast and ovary.

Flu Vaccines

The 1976 mass swine flu inoculations, which caused 565 cases of Guillain- Barre paralysis and the death of at least thirty elderly persons, first alerted the public to the danger of the flu vaccine. J. Anthony Morris, PhD, flu researcher for the FDA reported: “There is nothing based upon either epidemiology or controlled experiments, to show that influenza vaccine yields a benefit towards the recipient”

The Flu Vaccine and Alzheimer’s

According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, if an individual had five consecutive flu shots his/her chances of getting Alzheimer’s Disease is ten times higher. The aluminium and mercury in the flu shot (also in many childhood shots) build up in the brain causing damage. Is this why Alzheimer’s is expected to quadruple?

Flu Mist

Between 10 million and 100 million viral particles are forcefully injected into the nostrils with the new Flu Mist vaccine. Sherry Tenpenny, DO writes: “One of the most troubling concerns over the injection of this ‘chemical soup’ is the potential for the viruses to enter directly into the brain….’

In Conclusion

Keeping your spinal column free from vertebral subluxations helps your inner healer control your body and helps keep your resistance high. Spinal care could make the difference between a quick recovery and a lingering illness.

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